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I'm just a quirky mom reading through life. Follow me through my rants and opinions about the written word.

Currently reading

A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab
Progress: 65 %
Julie Kagawa
Progress: 33 %
And I Darken
Kiersten White
Progress: 205/400 pages
I loved doing this for Halloween join us for are winter swap.

Cozy Up Swap 2016

Reblogged from Jessica (HDB):


Our first box swap of 2016 was a success!


We had 7 participants, and I think everyone was pretty darn happy with what they received from one another. It's a lot of fun to shop, and equally as fun to receive!


So much fun, in fact, that we're doing it again.


Come on over and join us if you'd like to be part of the Cozy Up Swap!


All things cozy, comfy, and bookish are totally allowed.