13 Following


I'm just a quirky mom reading through life. Follow me through my rants and opinions about the written word.

Currently reading

A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab
Progress: 65 %
Julie Kagawa
Progress: 33 %
And I Darken
Kiersten White
Progress: 205/400 pages

Hardcore Chick Camp

Lumberjanes Vol. 1  - Brooke Allen, Grace Ellis,  Noelle Stevenson

Quick Little GN about friendship, and standing up for one another. A group of girls are at a summer camp for hard core chicks when some strange things start happening and they have to defend one another.



It was a super quick book I would have liked a little more but it does show promise. The girls are awesome and the concept is great, I will continue on to see if they get better.